Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dead Seasons: The Read Autumn

Dead Seasons: The Red Autumn

On the continent of Urona, in the Kingdom of Nallan, the high king prepares to step down and appoint his eldest child in his place. But, just as the first red leaves prepare to fall, an ancient forgotten curse is released upon the unsuspecting kingdom.


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Welcome to dead season part one everybody. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions lay em on me. In the mean time I hope everyone join will have fun while I try to make some final adjustments and additions to the roleplay.

[edit] And I just notice I typoed on "RED", fixing that.

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Member for 1 years

Hi there, Wake!

You mentioned that there were some roles you were hoping to fill. Might you have a list of those for me to peruse? I'd love to help you out there. ^_^


Dragon Age: The Undoing
"And in the end, everything we did, everything we discovered, was erased. We became ghosts, phantoms flitting about the edges of history, and so we shall remain."
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The Valkyrie
Member for 1 years

This looks pretty friggin' cool! I have never seen anything like this before in my entire RP history. Is a magic character allowed? BTW I was wondering, "Game of Thrones", yes or no?

"Serve the Emperor today. Tomorrow you may be dead." - Thought for the day

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Member for 2 years

@ The Valkyrie: Yes I need someone able to fill in for the princess (last heir surviving heir to the throne). And the captain of the royal guard. I'm also working on a few other roles (like some people from Garlac) at the moment and I'll get back to you all when I have a complete list.

@ Cha-kun: If you are asking if I watch game of throne (or read the book) then no. If this is like game of thrones, then sorta. I have only heard a few details of the show myself and looked at it on tvtropes briefly, but there are a few bits of political intrigue that I plan to implement at a later point in the story.

[edit] and yes magic characters are allowed but I want to go over how magic works more first.

To everyone else.

I will have a map up of Nallan and it's surrounding country tomorrow. Along with that I'll get a second thread going later tonight to fill up with other details about the setting.

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