Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Focus on the Family Community: Relationships and Marriage: New ...

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Sep 17, 2012 5:20 PM

Confirmed, wife is seeing another guy.? As of right now she filed a restraining order shorty after she filed for divorce.? Things that were said in there aren't fair at all as she has done all the same stuff.? Stuff listed in the restraining order was stuff from long long ago, what would be the reason of her filing that now all of the sudden?? Well her with another guy is one of them and because she wants the house.? I am having a tough time trying to figure out what God wants me to do with this.? Right now I am paying for the entire house, living at moms.? She is, well, using me.? I am not mad at her for this as she is in sin.? I have been fighting to reconcile my marriage and I was going to let her have the house, till I found the truth.? Now I dont know what God wants me to do.? I have an attorney, christian one as a matter of fact who fights for my rights in divorce but also fight for reconciliation.? I am trying to figure out now, do I give up on my marriage and reconcilation and just give her the house and walk away?? Do I fight for reconciliation still, praying freverently to God that he will intervene and speak to her heart and get her to see what she has done?? Or do I fight for the house and get her out of it so that it makes it hard on her and her new boyfriend?? I am not sure what God would have me do. I have prayed and prayed and have really tried hard to do this God's way every step of the way, but with this new information, I am stuck and am not sure what God is saying to me.


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