Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Automotive News, Auto News and Trends from Automotive Digest ...

Social Media Comments Alert Nissan to Leaf Battery Problems


Automotive News - July 30, 0012

Nis?san found out about hav?ing a few prob?lems with bat?tery capac?ity for its Leaf elec?tric car by view?ing social media com?ments. Nis?san engi?neers from Japan have been sent to the US to review bat?tery prob?lems in the Phoenix area, where five Leaf own?ers have com?plained about prob?lems with bat?tery life pos?si?bly caused by intense heat in the region. Their abil?ity to fully recharge is degrad?ing faster than expected, Nis?san North Amer?ica has acknowledged.

Nis?san has yet to deter?mine whether a prob?lem exists, says Mark Perry, prod?uct plan?ning direc?tory for the Leaf. It?s nor?mal for lithium ion bat?ter?ies to suf?fer a loss of capac?ity over time, and the com?pany has been trans?par?ent about it with cus?tomers, Perry said. They?ve also alerted con?sumers about bat?tery capac?ity degra?da?tion in very high heat, such as sit?ting out in 110-degree heat for five hours a?day.

Source: http://automotivedigest.com/2012/07/social-media-comments-alert-nissan-to-leaf-battery-problems/

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