Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Where Shadows Fall: Character Template

Where Shadows Fall

(WIP) Araland, once a growing kingdom of peace and prosperity, is being ravaged by black magic and dark creatures... Do you have what it takes to stop them?


Game Masters:

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Where Shadows Fall?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

Topic Tags:

Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
To submit a character, simply copy and complete the following code box in your character submission:
Code: Select all
[center][b][size=150]CHARACTER NAME[/size]

[hr][/hr][img]http://i35.servimg.com/u/f35/17/05/37/13/profil10.png[/img][right]**INSERT MOTTO HERE**[/right][hr][/hr]

Middle Name(s):

Player Class:


Sexual Orientation:

[hr][/hr][img]http://i35.servimg.com/u/f35/17/05/37/13/profil11.png[/img][right]"A wise man dresses to impress fate, not to tempt it."[/right][hr][/hr]


Description of Build:

Distinguishing Features:



[hr][/hr][img]http://i35.servimg.com/u/f35/17/05/37/13/profil12.png[/img][right]"Possessing a weapon does not make you a warrior. Possessing the knowledge to use it,



(Please refer to the 'Classes' guide when filling in - it details what the choices are for each class)

Primary Weapon:
Secondary Weapon:


Head: -
Torso: Leather Underlayer
Arms: -
Legs: -
Feet: Leather Boots

[hr][/hr][img]http://i35.servimg.com/u/f35/17/05/37/13/profil13.png[/img][right]"Know thine enemy, but know thyself first. Only then can one achieve invulnerability."[/right][hr][/hr]

(You may assign up to 40 points between the following skills. Minimum = 1, Maximum = 10. Assigning 5 to each will leave you with 5 extra to spend - choose wisely, and try to compliment your character's class. Higher scores will provide higher success rates in spot skill tests, and allow you to access otherwise unreachable areas, complete certain tasks, and can even benefit you in some combat situations. For helpful tips about what each skill affects, refer to the 'Classes' guide.)


[hr][/hr][img]http://i35.servimg.com/u/f35/17/05/37/13/profil14.png[/img][right]"The past can be a wonderful tool of reference and learning. Maybe one day, man will learn that wars never really benefit anyone in the long run..."[/right][hr][/hr]



(Please briefly detail your character's past if known, including any incidents of interest that may have affected their personality, or how they came to be a warrior of sorts.)

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/_ZB9izYPJ2M/viewtopic.php

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