Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Computer Hardware Vendors Are Dead, Part Deux! - Wall Street ...

From: BoomBustBlog - 1:12pm - December 10, 2012

Last week I told the world that hardware vendors are DEAD! At least the fat margin business model hardware vendors (like those whose name rhymes with Snapple). The post?Smartphone Hardware Manufacturers Are Dead, Long Live The Google-like Solution Providers, pretty much says it all - or does it. You see, this is about mobile computing, not smartphones (reference The mobile computing wars?from 3 yrs ago). Google has just launched a major salvo into the bastion of those companies who dare apsire to sell notebook computer/software bundles for over 22% margin! Google offering $99?Samsung Series 5 Chromebooks?to public shool teachers and students If you reference the Google press release, you'll see that this offer includes?a special, discounted price of $99 including hardware, management and support! Now that's CHEAP! An equivalent Macbook Air with the same pack...

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Source: http://ewallstreeter.com/computer-hardware-vendors-are-dead-part-deux-4126/

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